Reconnecting Roots Farm
13410 228th St NE, Arlington, WA • Contact Us
With food having such a direct impact on your overall health and well-being, we believe you should know the people who grow your food like you know your doctor.
We are offering a public CSA this year! Sign up here.

Our Farming Principles
Our growing methods are based on principles of agroecology and regenerative agriculture, where soil health, ecological diversity and sustainability are cornerstones to how we farm.
We follow all organic farming practices as well as focus on principles of soil management that recognize healthy soils as the foundation of growing nutritious foods. We do this by minimizing tillage, minimizing bare soil and practice cover-cropping extensively. The result is a quality product we can be proud to deliver to our customers.
Our Mission
At Reconnecting Roots Farm our mission is to create a new, local, sustainable food system, where people in our community can connect to the land they inhabit and feel satisfied knowing their food is healthy and grown without harming the environment. We want to engage people in taking an active role in a local food system, where nutritional, seasonal and sustainable food once again becomes part of a Cascadian culinary community.

Our Produce
You can find our produce at the Arlington Farmers market on Saturdays May through September in Legion Memorial park in downtown Arlington.
You can also sign up for our 2024 season CSA now. Our CSA program includes a weekly box of your choice of 5-7 fresh produce items, for 14 weeks running from June through September, with pickup options at the Arlington Farmers market on Saturdays, or on the farm Tuesdays 2-4pm or Fridays 11am-2pm.